The development of educational video games is one of TAK-TAK-TAK’s key parts. This year we made important alliances for the development of some of our video games
- The MUAC (University Museum of contemporary art) With MUAC we have developed an art video, “Ojo Rojo” (Red Eye), which dabbles in the visual arts area and its objective is to generate the child’s first approach with the process of learning to appreciate art.
- FCE (Fund of Economic Culture) and Juan Villoro o increase our tools, which encourage reading, writing and comprehension, the alliance with FCE and Juan Villoro, was achieved so that his book “Las Golosinas Secretas” (our secret candy) was adapted to a video game in our web page TAK-TAK-TAK
- Friends of Ofunam (UNAM’S Philharmonic Orchestra). Since 2013 we have developed video games for children with the goal of approaching them to symphonic music. This year we launched the video game Ritmo (Rhythm) in the web page TAK-TAK-TAK and we continue to launch all the video games created.