The Summer Schools 2016 program, of the AFSEDF, is a coexistence and recreational space through which a ludic pedagogical model they do learning activities, recreation, socialization and exercise in public school students in preschool, elementary and middle school level, from July 20th to August 5th 2016, under reading and writing, mathematical thinking, art and culture as well as health subjects.
To achieve this, Inoma trained state authorities responsible for the Summer schools program. The training venues were Guadalajara, Mazatlán, Oaxaca, Monterrey and Mexico City. In each venue representatives from close states assisted, so each state participated with four to eight teachers. These representatives were given the job of training the program’s guides who would be in contact with the children.
Lastly, TAK-TAK-TAK also participated in the day of coordinated play by AprendeMX and Papalote Children’s Museum.