Not only does Inoma develop educational solution; they also are present in the debate of how education should be improves. One of the subjects that Inoma approaches in the discussion of education subject is the exploitation of new technologies in schools. For that, Inoma participated in a panel called “Appropriation in the Mexican Classrooms” in the frame of the Use of Digital Resources for Learning (URDA) congress.
Antonio Purón, founder and president of Inoma discussed next to Irán Guerrero, researcher; Martha Sánchez, director of Fan-Reader; and Inés Dussel, teacher, about the actions made and that should be implemented by the institutions and educational organization as well as by the parents. Also, during this dialogue that took place in the Digital Culture Center of Mexico City on August 26, 2016, Purón said:
“We are in a moment of great experimentation in which we have to have flexibility and public policies have to be oriented to allow and encourage it”.
Likewise, during the panel risks and problems that the educational system suffers today were discussed; this with the goal of imagining different educational models. Upon the various opinions, the Inoma founder proposed:
“We have to generate different models to exploit the student’s motivation and generate that he himself starts to dig into the subjects that interest him”.
This is only one example of how Inoma is an integral part in the educational task as a civil society. This is possible thanks to the Inoma team, which is formed by people specialized in technology, pedagogy, data, amongst others; who research in order to develop TAK-TAK-TAK’s educational video games, which are evaluated at the same time. A diverse team allows us to generate evidence and also to participate in educational dialogues along with other specialists and share findings about how to better the educational quality through technological tools.
For all who are interested in seeing the full dialogue, you can find it in the part bellow the note.