Mexico Telephone Foundation and Inoma AC have worked together for four years to contribute to improving education in Mexico. With the support of Mexico Telephone Foundation, the TAK-TAK-TAK program, which consists in approaching free game for learning math and reading, amongst other playful activities for elementary school children, has benefit in a special way, communities of indigenous children and teacher. Just in 2018, the more than 5600 children from these communities who take advantage of the didactic games have shown an improvement in motivation to go to school and, according to their teachers, an improvement in school performance. The teachers, as a result of monthly companionship to work on the platform, have learned to include educational tools to their teaching planation.
Due to the lack of connectivity of these communities in the high zones of Chiapas and the Mazahua zone in the State of Mexico, a local solution was implemented for the approach of the video games to the schools: TAK server, which allows children to use the video games without the need of internet.
The elementary schools attended have shown thankfulness and disposition to implement the program because, aside from reinforcing curricular concepts, the students gain abilities in the use of technology and they have a lot of fun. They even ask their teachers if they can go to school on Saturdays to play TAK-TAK-TAK! We are very happy to be able to get to these communities and offer them an innovative educational tool thanks to Telephone Foundation.