The technological gap in Mexico’s rural schools

The technological gap is real for Mexican rural schools.

In Mexico, rural schools represent almost half of all schools, but there is still much to be done to give them access to technology.

There is a general view that rural education in Mexico represents a non-significant number of schools away from urbanization, but when reviewing the data carefully it can be seen that its importance is much greater than usually thought.

A rural community is made up of less than 2,500 inhabitants according to INEGI and in Mexico more than seven million children and young people attend school in a rural community. This number of students constitutes one third of basic education students in the country. 54.8% of preschoolers, 57.6% of primary school students, 56.9% of secondary school students and 41.1% of high school students are located in a rural community (INEE, 2017, p. 72).

However, it is well known that for many of these students and especially those in more distant communities, education must seek different ways of operating. Such is the case of multi-grade schools, where one teacher teaches a group of students from different levels.

Multi-grade schools in Mexico represent 28.7% of preschools, 43.2% of elementary schools and 20.6% in the telesecundaria scheme (INEE, 2017, p. 30). 

Rural education in Mexico is large and significant enough to allow millions of children to fall behind academically. Still, thousands of rural schools work in inadequate educational infrastructure and even worse, with a lack of qualified teaching personnel.

The learning strategies of the 21st century have technology at their core, however, schools in more remote and rural communities and in more complex conditions are still far from being able to implement it.

The need for basic connectivity

According to the report Guidelines for Improving Multi-grade Education (2019) of the Rural Education Research Network, “multi-grade schools concentrate precarious infrastructure and basic connectivity services and equipment and have fewer spaces for academic support”.

This includes access to the Internet where 43.1% of national schools have an Internet connection, but only 23.3% of them have access for the entire school community (teachers, principals and students). Of this, only 5.7% is available in indigenous multigrade schools and 10.7% in general multigrade schools. 

The data are worse if we consider that 57% of schools in Mexico, 90% of which are rural schools, do not have any Internet connection, either under a multigrade, multilevel or community scheme.

The need for staff to feel comfortable with technology

In rural schools with more robust infrastructure, qualified personnel are needed to use, teach and maintain technology. 

This does not mean that teachers who want to use technology in rural classrooms must necessarily be computer technicians, it means that they must be sufficiently familiar with it to consider it as part of their teaching materials.

After all, studies show that teachers’ comfort level with technology influences how often and how they use it in their daily lessons (Jahnke & Kumar, 2014; Al-Bataineh et al, 2008). 

Also, the confidence that teachers have towards using new technologies and above all, their perception of the usefulness of them, are essential factors for its use as an academic tool (Holden & Rada, 2011).

The need for teachers who can manage and rely on technology solutions increases considering that in rural schools academic staff turnover is high and replacement is often delayed. In a general school the time for replacing a teacher is one week, while in rural general and multigrade schools, it can be as much as two or three weeks. Even more so if the previous teacher was qualified in the use of technology.

The need for appropriate academic programmes

In Mexico, even though they represent half of the schools in the country, rural schools do not, to date, have academic programs that specifically consider their reality.

In other words, urban reality and the type of urban school are understood as the standard for all educational activity. There is no known need for specific programs for rural schools no matter what their characteristics are, whether they are in remote communities, are community-managed, multi-grade or multilevel, or have high or low enrollment.

This ignorance of rural realities lags behind any use of new educational tools (including technology) in rural schools. Because without taking into account their particular abilities, curricula made for urban schools are ineffective in rural schools.

The solution in technology itself

The technological and educational gap is still wide in country’s schools, but it is technology itself that is doing its part to close it. 

For example, while it is true that schools need staff familiar with technology to teach them, projects such as Professor Sugata Mitra’s ‘School in the Cloud‘ demonstrated that children have the ability to automatically become familiar with technology and use it for academic purposes. That is, taking into account that the material they work with is designed specifically for such purposes.

It is not a question of replacing teaching, but of transforming and moulding it according to the environment. 

Both the environment influences the educational life of rural communities and the type of technology they use must influence it. This is the case for mobile learning powered by mobile devices and applications with educational resources that do not require the Internet to function. 

But even if children have the intrinsic ability to learn with technology, how are schools in remote and rural communities expected to be able to access mobile devices for education? The question is valid and consistent, however, the advantage with this type of device is that due to their physical characteristics they do not need a complex infrastructure to operate and therefore the investment is lower. 

Government institutions, private actors and civil associations work to bring technology to the most remote parts of the country and even to communities in need in other countries. The investment is relatively small considering that the academic benefits can be very high. 

Technology can be just one of the needs that thousands of rural schools in Mexico and the children who study there also have a right and need to try out technological education and learn with it. That is the necessity that should be everyone’s priority.

Sources and references:

Rocha, C. M. (2016, October 16). ¿Existe la educación rural? Retrieved October 6, 2019, from Nexos website:

Kalonde, G. (2017). Technology Use in Rural Schools: A Study of a Rural High School Trying to Use iPads in the Classroom. The Rural Educator38(3), 27–38.

INEE (2019). Directrices para mejorar la educación multigrado. Mexico: autor.

INEE (2018). Panorama Educativo de México 2017. Indicadores del Sistema Educativo Nacional. Educación básica y media superior. Mexico: autor.



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Fernanda Medina
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Adriana Muñoz
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Susana Alegría
Tecnología y Videojuegos

Susana Alegría es coordinadora del área de Tecnología y Videojuegos. Es responsable de dar seguimiento a la gestión y desarrollo de los videojuegos educativos del portal TAK-TAK-TAK, así como de todas las cuestiones técnico-tecnológicas de las herramientas lúdico-educativas de Inoma. Cuenta con experiencia en gestión de proyectos, producción de videojuegos, game design, diseño digital y de interfaces. Tiene estudios en Diseño Gráfico por la Universidad del Valle de México, y de Diseño de la Cominicación Visual en entornos digitales en el Posgrado de la Facultad de Artes y Diseño de la UNAM.

Fernanda Ramos
Investigación y Análisis de Datos

Fernanda Ramos es coordinadora del Área de investigación y análisis de datos. Es responsable del reporteo y análisis de la información de los proyectos educativos de la organización. Cuenta con experiencia en la venta y administración de pólizas de seguros y en la docencia en una asociación civil. Tiene estudios en Ingeniería Comercial en la Universidad Tecnológica de México y cursa actualmente la maestría en Dirección de Proyectos en la Universidad Tecnológica de México.

Beatriz Ruiz

Beatriz Ruiz es coordinadora del área de Educación. Es encargada de realizar la estrategia educativa y definir los contenidos pedagógicos de los videojuegos así como de asesorar en los contenidos y comunicación con los maestros, padres de familia y niños. Es fundadora de Básica Asesores Educativos y trabaja de la mano con maestros de educación básica en escuelas públicas y privadas. Es Ingeniero Químico egresado de la Universidad Iberoamericana; MS de la Universidad de Carnegie Mellon y tiene también un MA en Educación.

Cathy Austin

Cathy Austin es consejera de diversas empresas, fundaciones e instituciones educativas y de salud. Ha colaborado con Inoma para la atracción de beneficiarios (niños y maestros) con los sistemas públicos de educación y organizaciones afines. Cuenta con experiencia en temas de tecnología para la educación, formó parte del equipo coordinador del proyecto Enciclomedia, fue consultora de la SEP desde la firma ATKearney y del área de educación de Microsoft. Su experiencia laboral también incluye mercadotecnia y planeación estratégica en empresas cómo American Express y The Coca-Cola Company así como asesoría del Secretario de Comercio de 1992-1995.

Regina Bravo
Desarrollo Institucional
Líder de proyecto

Regina Bravo es líder de proyectos del área de Desarrollo Institucional. Se encarga de proyectos de comunicación interna y externa, así como de la edición de material gráfico y audiovisual para su difusión en redes. Tiene experiencia en producción, post producción y redacción. Es egresada de Comunicación por la Universidad Iberoamericana.

Regina González
Desarrollo Institucional

Regina González es coordinadora del área de Desarrollo Institucional de Inoma. Es responsable de los proyectos de procuración de fondos, de comunicación interna y externa, y de la participación en diversos eventos de la organización. Cuenta con experiencia editorial, de diseño gráfico y de artes visuales. Tiene estudios en Estudios Políticos y Gobierno por la Universidad de Guadalajara.

Karla Salazar
Administración y legal
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Karla Salazar es líder de proyecto del área Administrativa y Legal y es la responsable de llevar un óptimo funcionamiento y manejo de los diferentes procesos administrativos de la empresa. Cuenta con experiencia laboral como apoyo administrativo en diferentes organizaciones y es egresada de la Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración en la carrera Negocios Internacionales

Emiliano Delgado
Administración y legal

Emiliano Delgado es coordinador del área Administrativa y Legal de la organización. Cuenta con experiencia laboral como apoyo administrativo y contable en organizaciones civiles así como analista de operaciones de instrumentos financieros. Tiene estudios en Administración y Finanzas por la Universidad Panamericana.

Marisa Juárez

Marisa Juárez es la Coordinadora Operativa de Inoma. Ha colaborado en la Secretaría de Hacienda, en CB Capitales (empresa de capital chileno) y en Banamex. También ha impartido clases de Economía en el ITAM y en el CESSA. Es Economista egresada del ITAM con una maestría en Economía Política Internacional por la Universidad de Warwick, Reino Unido y candidata a doctorado en Gobierno por la Universidad de Georgetown, EUA.

Antonio Purón
Presidente Ejecutivo

Antonio Purón es el fundador y Presidente Ejecutivo de Inoma. Es Director Emeritus de McKinsey & Co. donde dirigió diversas prácticas por 27 años en México, Estados Unidos y otros países de Latinoamérica y Europa. Es Consejero del Banco Santander México, Santander Zurich, Progresemos, Nadro, Museo Nacional de Arte, Centro de Colaboración Cívica, Filantrofília y el Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad. Es Ingeniero Químico egresado del Universidad Iberoamericana y tiene un MBA de la Universidad de Stanford.