According to the theorist José Jiménez, “art is all that we men call art”. It is the understanding of the environment and the expression of it; that is, everything that man creates, feels, communicates and then baptizes as art.
Art has to do with human sensory experience, which is then translated into forms of expression. In turn, this experience generated with the environment is fundamental to the learning of people.
How artistic creation is related to learning?
Artistic creation is about understanding the world and reacting to it. For example, most artistic expression comes from visual information, which is the oldest record of human history. To create art is to connect with the senses in the most natural and primitive way.
Art is closely linked to intelligence and visual understanding and is therefore considered a form of learning, as it happens according to the individual’s thinking, observation and understanding. This is how the mind is in continuous activity, movement and learning about the things around it.
As art critic and philosophy professor Arthur C. Danto would say, “reality has no meaning, art does”. This is why it seems easier for human beings to find the answers they have about the world in their own expression of things.
On the other hand, in the book The Syntax of Image, designer Donis A. Dondis writes that human beings express and receive visual messages through three levels:
- Representational: through what we see and recognize from the environment and experience.
- Abstractly: through visual facts reduced to their most elementary components.
- Symbolically: through the system of symbols that man creates and to which he attributes a meaning.
It is through these levels that we humans understand our environment, and for this reason visual arts are catalogued as the most complete form of learning.
Why are colors important?
Learning through art is also about colour. To again quote Donis A. Dondis, “we are telling the world many things when we choose a color”.
Colors are highly related to emotions and that is why they are so important in artistic expression. Each color is loaded with information and translates into one of the oldest shared and universal visual experiences; colors are the expression of what we associate with reality.
Everyone chooses the colours that represent their environment as closely as possible. Although the colors resemble a common symbolism, the point is that the choice and play with color comes from the person’s personal, experiential and subjective preference.
Art Education at home
Now that children are at home, it is a good opportunity to invite them to express their emotions and their feelings about the difficult and complex situation we are experiencing all over the world.
At Inoma we design tools that promote an integral development in the education of children, and we have video games focused on artistic education that can be very useful especially during this time.
We are convinced that through visual and phonetic representation children will be able to express their feelings, learn and even discover their artistic side. Ojo Rojo, Melodines, and Pim Pooom are just some examples of the video games that promote the development of these skills.
In difficult times like these it is essential that children find safe spaces where they can express themselves and feel free to explore their artistic side. Better yet, if in doing so, they also continue their learning process.
Enter taktaktak.com and get to know our offer of video games focused on arts education so that girls and boys can continue learning while having fun
A. Dondis. La sintaxis de la imagen. Introducción al alfabeto visual. (2015) Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
José Jiménez. Teoría del arte. (2010) Madrid: Editorial Tecnos.
Arthur C. Danto. Qué es el arte. Mexico: Editorial Paidós.